Case Studies

Growth Opportunities

Engaging strategic partnerships to power FinTech virtual card issuance

Financial Services & Payments North America

Evaluated the enabler value chain and issuer-processing economics behind FinTech virtual card use cases to identify strategic opportunities and prospective partners for client to pursue in FinTech issuance


Capturing the market opportunity for Accounts Payable automation

Financial Services & Payments North America

Assessed the corporate demand opportunity and growth outlook plus developed a competitive analysis to support the client’s G2M strategy for Accounts Payable automation and inform How to Win levers

Market Analysis & Structural Attractiveness

Enabling B2B Payments for emerging FinTech use cases

Financial Services & Payments Global

Informed client’s go-forward strategy for B2B Payments in emerging FinTech verticals by evaluating the commercial virtual card opportunity size, the competitive landscape, and customer targets

Voice of Market

Accelerating commercial card acceptance for B2B Payments

Financial Services & Payments Global

Helped one of the largest global banks inform product enhancements and pricing tactics for its commercial card portfolio to deepen card penetration with its existing customers

Market Analysis & Structural Attractiveness

Identifying opportunities for a contract manufacturer to differentiate with value-added services

Private Equity and M&A North America

Conducted market diligence on a contract manufacturer serving the home & personal goods industries; identified opportunities for formerly commoditized vendors to differentiate and grow share of manufacturing spend from DTC / “challenger brands” and innovative Fortune 500 companies looking for innovation partners.

Growth Opportunities

Identifying adjacency growth opportunities for a leading manufacturer of steel derivatives

Private Equity and M&A North America

Estimated the addressable and serviceable market for steel derivatives in the US, triggered by the implementation of the US Infrastructure plan; identified the spaces with highest right to win for the project sponsor.