- Beauty & Personal Care
- Food & Beverage
- Consumer Healthcare & Nutrition
- Apparel, Footwear & Accessories
- Home, Family & Pet Care
- Consumer Tech & Gaming
- Outdoor & Leisure
Consumer & Retail
Areas of Expertise
Consumer & Retail
Consumer Goods
- Beauty & Personal Care
- Food & Beverage
- Consumer Healthcare & Nutrition
- Apparel, Footwear & Accessories
- Home, Family & Pet Care
- Consumer Tech & Gaming
- Outdoor & Leisure
Consumer Services and Experiences
- Education & Learning Platforms
- Telehealth/mHealth
- Clinic Consolidation & Nursing Networks
- Connected Beauty & Fitness
- DTC Delivery/Subscriptions
- Home Services & Marketplaces
- Next-Gen Travel & Hospitality
- Sports & Entertainment Experiences
- Grocery & Natural
- Mass & Club
- Convenience, Drug & Dollar
- ECommerce & O2O
- Foodservice & Restaurant
- Fashion, Beauty Specialty & Luxury
- Home & DIY
- Traditional Trade
How We Help
Consumer & Retail Case Studies
Capturing a slice of the Plant-Based Cheese market
Developed customized Plant-Based Cheese opportunity map assessing size, growth, competitive landscape, and profitability of 6 sub-categories to inform client’s Where to Play decision
Understanding Online path to purchase for Auto Parts consumers
Conducted original research to assess post-COVID market & category dynamics, consumer behaviors, brand strengths and growth opportunities to inform client’s investment decision and future strategic priorities
Profiling the Leading Sueros (Electrolyte Drink) Players in Mexico
Uncovered net revenue, COGS, and OpEx drivers for two largest Sueros brands in Mexico, helping our client identify ‘what needs to be true’ to reach profitability in this concentrated market
Capturing the global Hard Seltzer opportunity
To support client’s entry into the Hard Seltzer category, conducted Competitive Analysis to identify the consumer, commercial, supply chain, and regulatory capabilities required to successfully challenge and win

Our team has deep Consumer & Retail sector expertise, a robust industry network, and a passion for brands
We regularly work and help clients innovate at the intersections of new categories, channels, and technologies.
Kaiser leverages our Consumer & Retail industry contacts and network to create distinctive opportunities and solutions for our partners and their consumers
Consumer & Retail Insights
Consumer & Retail Leaders

Christopher Goddard Vice President
Consumer & Retail

Anna Nussbaum Vice President
Consumer & Retail

Lisa Pryor Partner Emeritus
Consumer & Retail

Shirley Xu Principal
Consumer & Retail
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